Balakrishna's son Mokshagna is making debut. According to sources, the young Nandamuri kid will appear in YVS's Okkamagadu for a brief time. Though it is not a 'role' or 'character', Mokshagna will be seen before the credits roll on, sources informed.
YVS who is die-hard fan of Late NTR is making the film to be a treat for Nandamuri fans. In every YVS's film, a sloka along with Late NTR's photo appears. Soon after this Mokshagna will be seen, sources informed us.
The film is set in a faction backdrop and has NBK playing dual roles. Simran, Anushka and Nisha Kothari are the heroines.
YVS who is die-hard fan of Late NTR is making the film to be a treat for Nandamuri fans. In every YVS's film, a sloka along with Late NTR's photo appears. Soon after this Mokshagna will be seen, sources informed us.
The film is set in a faction backdrop and has NBK playing dual roles. Simran, Anushka and Nisha Kothari are the heroines.