megastar to launch the new political partyChiranjeevi met his fans and wellwishers in a meeting in USA and The discussions went on with various people. Chiru openly said that he wouldn’t encourage to be branded as Kapu community party.In fact Chiru wants majority people from Reddy and Kamma community, if the party is to be floated into his party.
Pooling of funds was the main issue discussed in the meeting. They estimated to pool around Rs.175 crores
Some points also discussed were
1. What will be Dasari’s role in this aspect? Will he come out of Congress to join hands with new party?
2. Majority of the population are from Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribes. Which way they go?
3. Telangana Sentiment is on its peak. What way Telangana people would
react? If the new party is launched.
4. There was no clear cut decision again from Megastar, as there was no expert to analyze the exact political scenario of AP.
5. There are some people pressurizing megastar to launch the party, irrespective of funds collection. But Megastar is not in hurry.
Recently CPM leader Raghavulu and other CPM leaders Y Venkateswar Rao and MP Madhu have visited Chiranjeevi Blood Bank and then visited Chiru's residence on Megastar's invitation.